Phrasebook PRO (16 languages)

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Phrasebook PRO (16 languages) is one of the most popular travel-local right now,Phrasebook PRO (16 languages) has 18069+ downloads on happymod. Phrasebook PRO (16 languages) 2022 has been released to version 1.79 
Are you planning a vacation in far-away lands?Are you planning a business trip abroad?In this case our multilingual phrasebook PhraseBox PRO is just what you need!PhraseBox PRO contains 1100+ carefully selected phrases for your pleasant traveling all over the world!Full version PhraseBox PRO Topics:* Basics phrases (Greetings, Saying goodbye, Meeting, Questions, Agreement/Disagreement, Wishes, Emergency cases, Dating)* Traveling (Customs / Border, Traveling by train, Traveling by plane, Traveling by bus, Traveling by ship, Traveling by car / Gas station, At the car rental company, Camping)* How to get… (City transport, On the street)* Hotel/Hostel* Restaurant/Café* Food/Drinks* Shopping (Shopping center, Supermarket)* Money (Bank/Exchange office, Currency)* Leisure (Sightseeing, Entertai

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