Idle Egg Factory

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Idle Egg Factory downloads on happymod,you can your Modify ads exemption to get rewards

download Idle Egg Factory Happy mod apk Install Steps:

1. Download happymodapk from the  (, then run the apk file to install happymod

2. Open happymod apk app and search for “Idle Egg Factory ” , find Mods for Idle Egg Factory in the search results and click “download”.

Once installed, you can experience the Idle Egg Factory on your phone, In Idle Egg Factory for Android Mod APK, you can your Modify ads exemption to get rewards.

Idle Egg Factory is one of the most popular games right now,Idle Egg Factory has 52025+ downloads on happymod. Idle Egg Factory 2022 has been released to version 1.9.0 
You have an egg factory and all you need to do is make them lay as many eggs as possible.Starting with a small factory, the eggs are packaged and sold. Use the money to upgrade. The higher the level, the faster the laying speed and the more the price. Open up a new production line and stuff your boxes with your eggs.