Blocks vs Blocks

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Blocks vs Blocks downloads on happymod,you can your Unlock skin with 1 coinUnlimited hintsUnlimited undo

download Blocks vs Blocks Happy mod apk Install Steps:

1. Download happymodapk from the  (, then run the apk file to install happymod

2. Open happymod apk app and search for “Blocks vs Blocks ” , find Mods for Blocks vs Blocks in the search results and click “download”.

Once installed, you can experience the Blocks vs Blocks on your phone, In Blocks vs Blocks for Android Mod APK, you can your Unlock skin with 1 coinUnlimited hintsUnlimited undo.

Blocks vs Blocks is one of the most popular games right now,Blocks vs Blocks has 14393+ downloads on happymod. Blocks vs Blocks 2022 has been released to version 1.26 
Play the battle of blocks! Overcome the opponent level by level!Blocks vs Blocks is a simple and addictive game. Break the walls and capture cells, it’s that easy! The more area you have, the more chances of winning.How clever you are? Let’s go to a great victory!- Fun gameplay- Satisfying animations- Lots of challenging and addictive levels

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