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Guess The GIF really is a one of a kind game. It doesn’t matter how you pronounce “GIF”, all that matters is how much fun you’ll have playing it! With 800+ levels of original illustrated GIFs, you’ll be spending hours solving puzzles and having fun. You can even share funny GIFs from the game with your friends!Figure out what each GIF is trying to portray to proceed to the next level. It could be a movie, a celebrity or even your favorite pop culture characters! Earn coins along the way in order to help you out when you’re stuck. You’ll never grow tired of watching these entertaining GIFs.

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The characters of Trivia Crack have entered a new and mysterious world and have become Heroes. Choose your favorite character as your avatar and compete in real time against players from all over the world. There are many highly trained Champions up for the fight… don’t judge them by their appearance!YOUR MISSIONPut a team of your favorite Champions together. Send them to the field to destroy your opponent’s Energy Shield, get the medal and fly to infinity and beyond. With every new accomplishment you will unlock new Champions to collect, and of course bragging rights. Happiness achieved!QUESTIONS?Knowledge is your secret weapon! Answer the questions correctly to get energy so you can place your Champions in the field faster. Come up with your own game strategy and play faster than your op


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Classic yet Innovative game play: physics-based puzzle game-The rule of the game is simple and engaging: you draw a line (or accidentally draw a dot), both the blue and the pink ball will start falling according to gravity rules, and the player needs to draw lines and shapes to help the two balls overcome all the obstacles and meet each other. -When the two balls touch the drawn line or bump into each other, their facial expressions will change to reflect their moods, which can be quite various. -Each stage of the game is programed with different barriers and blocks, while some of the cleared stages help to unlock different hairstyles of the balls. Luckily, sometimes there is more than one way to clear a stage. Let’s get creative and flexible!

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A new gameplay of 2048 game.You must forget all 2048 skill. Then you get high score.


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the Iconic Guess The Name – a fascinating puzzle in a text based game mechanics which is the solving of puzzles. Your task on the basis of a symbol or set of objects to guess what a phrase is encrypted on the screen. The game has a number of categories from different areas of life, over 200 levels, the extracts from WiKi, the ability to share your results with friends through social networks.

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Where Is The Kingdom? What speed does a kangaroo have? Where are the human biceps? All these and many other questions you need to answer in this game. The bottom line is that the picture have a check box to mark the correct answer. Than the box will be closer to the correct option, the hotter it will be. The correct answer is when the temperature reaches 94°.

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the Farm old MacDonald – simple farm, with colorful graphics, addictive gameplay, and cute characters where you have to take control of a small farm settlement and to turn it into a major economy. Despite the fact that the developers took their creation to the genre of simulation, yet the game has simple controls, not complicated tasks, intuitive game mechanics and is suited more for younger players and those who like to spend free time in a relaxing environment, rather than for serious fans of urban simulation.