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Buy IBM Micromedex® Drug Interactions for only $9.99 per year. You will be prompted to purchase the app after your initial download. If your institution already subscribes to Micromedex then Drug Interactions is FREE. With Drug Interactions, clinicians can check a patient’s entire medication list simultaneously for potentially harmful interactions and view severity ratings that range from contraindicated to minor. This app provides insight into: •Why the drugs in question interact •How the results of those interactions will present in the patient •Recommendations for monitoring patient outcomes. Drug Interactions is a reliable resource for on-the-go access to the industry’s most trusted clinical reference information, providing users with more informed treatment decisions at the point of c

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This free application is designed to help prepare Medical students with the Clinical skills for the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).Detailed reference material is included for History preparation describing the type of questions students are expected to ask patients in order to evaluate a thorough diagnosis.Step by Step instructions of how to perform Physical Examinations is included in a simple structured manner making each topic easy to digest and follow.The top level categories included are: General, Alimentary, Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Hematological, Integumental, Nervous, Pulmonary, Rheumatoid, Urogenital, Obstetrics, Pediatrics.Each category includes information covering Reference, History and Examination among several topics. Learning material can be saved to a sa

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Buy IBM Micromedex IV Compatibility powered by the Trissels™ 2 Clinical Pharmaceutics Database for only $2.99 USD per year. You will be prompted to purchase the app after your initial download. If your institution already subscribes to Micromedex IV INDEX then this app is FREE. When multiple IV medications are combined, the risk of complication is very real. Efficacy of one or more drugs can be reduced or a potentially dangerous incompatibility can occur. With this app you will have access to the largest, most comprehensive IV compatibility resource which: Enhances patient safety by pinpointing potentially dangerous combinations Helps clinicians interpret conflicting compatibility results by identifying contributing factors such as the physical compatibility, storage, study period, contain

IBM Micromedex NeoFax

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Buy IBM Micromedex® NeoFax today for only $29.99 USD per year. You will be prompted to purchase the app after your initial download. If your institution already subscribes to Micromedex NeoFax then this app is FREE.Micromedex NeoFax is a reliable resource for on-the-go access to evidence-based drug information to efficiently and safely manage drug therapy for neonatal patients. It allows clinicians to make accurate and more informed treatment decisions at the point of care, while minimizing errors in this vulnerable patient population. This neonatal-specific app has clinical value for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. An internet connection is not required, allowing you to make decisions with confidence at anytime, from anywhere.IBM Micromedex is a trusted source for neonatal drug dosing,


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The BMJ Android app brings you the latest from the journal, including latest research, education, news, views, audio, video, and infographics. Read our FAQs at the BMJ Support link below.Key benefits:- Free to BMA members- Easy to read summaries of research papers- Embedded audio, video, and infographics- Searching, bookmarking, and social media linksDownload the app to access a selection of free back issues. If you like what you see, take out a subscription to The BMJ on Android for £10.49. This provides you with instant access to the current issue plus the 3 subsequent issues. You can also buy the current or past issues at the single issue price of £3.99. Free to BMA members. Follow the support link below for full information.The BMJ is the flagship journal of BMJ with a vision to

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Break the language barrier between healthcare professionals and Spanish-speaking patients. This pocket-sized book contains virtually all health-related terms likely to occur in a conversation between a health worker and a Spanish-speaking patient, including common colloquialisms and slang terms not found in similar dictionaries.*** Fully Functional 7-Day Trial ***The Third Edition contains over 20,000 entries and 5,000 new terms have been added. Scanning the fields of medicine, nursing, and dentistry, this essential, pocket-sized book contains virtually every health-related term likely to occur in conversation between a healthcare professional and a Spanish-speaking patient. In addition, you342200231ll find common colloquialisms and hard-to-find phrases, along with helpful labels that i

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Period Calendar – Menstrual TrackerPeriod Calendar is an extremely elegant and easy-to-use application that helps women keep track of periods, cycle, ovulation, and fertile days. Whether you are concerned about conceiving, birth control, contraception, or regularity of period cycles, Period Calendar can help.Our tracker is easy to use and offers everything you need: Track irregular periods, weight, temperature, moods, blood flow, symptoms and more.Discreet reminders keep you informed and prepared for upcoming periods, ovulation, and fertile days.The calendar is great at predicting fertility, ovulation and periods. The app adapts to your cycle history and accurately predicts the key days that interest you.See everything you need at a glance on the calendar home page.Period Calendar protec

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Diseases & Disorders is a medical hand book that provides all information about symptoms, diseases and treatment.Diseases are arranged alphabetically by their medical term and commonly known names. You can also search them by typing in the name of the disease. The app provides summaries of each disease, descriptions and information on how the condition manifest itself, together with signs and symptoms for early detection.Diseases & Disorders dictionary – Medical App Features:1. Offline – It wok offline, no active internet connection is required;2. Detailed description of all major medical conditions and diseases: – definition; – symptoms; – causes; – risk factors; – complications; – preparing for your appointment; – tests and diagnosis; – treatments and drugs;

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Established in 2010, thousands continue to use Dosecast, the most easy to use Medication reminder and adherence app to help manage ones and their loved one’s medications, vitamins, or birth control pills on time — with unique live sync between devices!Dosecast has been featured in the New York Times, Real Simple magazine, Reader’s Digest,, Fierce Mobile Healthcare, and Remember to take the right drug, the right way, at the right time, every time, with Dosecast.Dosecast * Free edition *:★ RELIABLE NOTIFICATIONS: Dosecast reliably sends dose reminders to your phone, tablet or Android Wear device and lets you postpone them, like a snooze button. If you miss the first reminder, Dosecast can nag you until you respond. It can also sound a continuous alarm. Dosecas

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This is the first EMS pocket drug guide that contains the detailed information typically found only in much larger reference books.EMS Pocket Drug Guideis a true must-have for any level EMS provider from basic to advanced. Small enough to fit in a shirt pocket, it should always be with you for quick, reliable reference in the field.***This is a fully functional 1-day trial version***FEATURES • The detail you need without sacrificing ease of use • Essential information on 1000 of the most commonly prescribed medications and more than 70 drugs most often used in the pre-hospital setting • Drug-specific EMS pearls, including signs and symptoms of overdose and specific overdose management • Sections on street drugs and medicinal herbs • Quick field reference tables, including cardiac algorithm

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