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An instant-answer guide you can turn to for on-the-spot treatment of poisoning and drug overdosePoisoning & Drug Overdose, Sixth Edition delivers critical information on effective diagnosis and treatment of drug-related emergencies and chemical exposures.Divided into four sections:* Section I covers initial emergency management, including treatment of complications; physical and laboratory diagnosis; and decontamination and enhanced elimination procedures* Section II provides detailed information on 150 common drugs and poisons* Section III describes the use of antidotes and therapeutic drugs to treat poisoning* Section IV describes the medical management of chemical and occupational exposures, with a table of more than 500 industrial chemicalsPoisoning & Drug Overdose, Sixth Edition i

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Have a handy access to information on drug dosage adjustment in renal impairment through this app.The app also contains:• CrCl (creatinine clearance) calculator• eGFR (MDRD) calculator• CrCl (paediatrics) calculator• SCr (creatinine) SI unit (mg/dL and μmol/dL) converter• Appendices from guidelinesOther features:• Free and offline• Adding your own notes on drugs• Adding bookmarks for quick finding in the future• Transferring database from old phone to new phone

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Blood Pressure Diary is a personal tool for tracking and analyzing blood pressure measurements. It helps people suffering from various diseases of the blood circulatory system, e.g., hypertension or hypotension. This app is very useful for early detection of predisposition to the corresponding diseases and as a tool for monitoring fitness activities.


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DISCLAIMER: Before downloading this application, please check your wireless connection and data plan. This app contains a large amount of content including video and animations. Download speeds will depend on the type of connection and your carrier. This app will be updated frequently so please check iTunes App Store periodically. The medical care of trauma patients demands fast thinking and accurate, up-to-date resources. And there is no more reliable resource for trauma information than the American College of Surgeons (ACS). This app was developed alongside their seminal course, Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS). ATLS has trained more than 1.5 million participants in more than 75,000 courses around the world. ATLS provides the essential information and skills for doctors, nurses, and

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Buy IBM Micromedex® Pediatrics today for only $9.99 USD per year. You will be prompted to purchase the app after your initial download. If your institution already subscribes to Micromedex Pediatrics then this app is FREE. Micromedex Pediatrics is a reliable resource for on-the-go access to evidence-based drug information to efficiently and safely manage drug therapy for pediatric patients. It allows clinicians to make accurate and more informed treatment decisions at the point of care, while minimizing errors in this vulnerable patient population. This pediatric-specific app has clinical value for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. An internet connection is not required, allowing you to make decisions with confidence at anytime, from anywhere. IBM Micromedex® is a trusted source for pediat

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Feature:1. Dose/rate calculator: get the infusion rate from body weight, desired dose, drug amount and total volume. Built-in commonly used drug information. Custom drugs, backup/restore function (only for Full-version).2. Infusion time calculator: get the infusion time from fluid volume and desired rate ; tap screen to get the drops and drip rate spontaneously.3. Infusion rate calculator: get the infusion rate from fluid volume and desired infusion time.

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The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy ($29.99/yr in-App subscription) provides clinicians with infectious disease information that is current, concise, and reliable. Full text search provides fast access while intuitive menus provide another way to navigate our extensive content collection. Your subscription includes monthly content updates.Since 1969, The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy has been the leading clinical reference for treatment of infectious diseases. Coverage includes: clinical syndromes (organized by anatomic system/site of infection), pathogens (bacterial, fungal, mycobacterial, parasitic and viral), anti-infective agents (dosing, adverse effects, activity, pharmacology, interactions), specialized dosing tables and tools, calculators and preventative therapy, al

Physicians’ Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual

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Completely revised and updated, the Physicians’ Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual is an up-to-date guide to the latest information on standard therapy and recent advances in the field. Written by world-class experts in clinical cancer therapeutics, this essential reference provides a complete, easy-to-use catalogue of over 100 drugs and commonly used drug regimens—both on- and off-label—for the treatment of all the major cancers.Feature and Benefits• Addition of 10 new agents approved by the FDA within the past year and updates to new indications for several previously approved agents • Indications, drug doses and schedules, toxicities, and special considerations for each agent expanded and revised• A specific chapter focused on antiemetic treatment regimens for both acute and delayed nause

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This free application provides an in-depth reference guide of the Diseases and Disorders featuring over 3000 high quality detailed articles and images in a well presented and easy to navigate way.There are 12 categories of content included in this app.The diseases topics covered include Cancer Types, Cutaneous/Skin Conditions, Endocrine Diseases, Eye Diseases and Infectious Diseases.The disorders covered include Communication Disorders, Genetic Disorders, Neurological Disorders, Voice Disorders, Liver Disorders, Heart Disorders and Mental Illness.The Cancer Types include: Appendix Cancer, Acute Leukemia, Brain Tumor, Eye Cancer, Gallbladder Cancer, Stomach Cancer and many more.Each article includes various images that when tapped on will show an enlarged version of the image allowing you


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MIMS is the essential prescribing and drug reference guide. For over 50 years MIMS has provided medical professionals with information on medicines licensed in the UK including drug dosages, warnings, contraindications and adverse events.• MIMS now offers a 30-day FREE trial• Buying a 12-month renewing subscription provides access to over 300 content updates every month for only £9.99MIMS is the perfect clinical reference for all healthcare professionals and people in the healthcare industry. STAY UP TO DATE* The MIMS app downloads the whole database so you don’t need a data connection to use the app* Updated constantly with over 300 changes every month FEATURES TO SAVE YOU TIME* A predictive search from anywhere in the app to quickly find information on over 2,000 products * Search or bro

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