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Medical acronyms and abbreviations offer convenience but can be confusing and difficult to decode. That makes this dictionary, with thousands of acronyms and abbreviations from all medical specialties, a must-have reference.Its alphabetical arrangement makes finding any abbreviation a snap, and a special section provides extensive coverage of symbols of all kinds. Abbreviations on the JCAHO “Do not use” list are clearly identified. This dictionary is ideal for medical transcriptionists, students, and health professionals at all stages of their careers. NEW! With the addition of a convenient Home page, a sleeker and more intuitive visual layout, as well as innovations in the speed of searches you can delve right in faster and easier than ever!SEARCH TOOLS – effortlessly find words thanks to

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This pocket atlas is your best way to reference anatomy on the go! It combines superb definitions from Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary with phenomenal illustrations from Gray’s Anatomy for Students, for an unprecedented level of accuracy and visual clarity.An ideal guide to structures and their definitions . . . great for quick consultation in the dissection lab as well as for convenient study anytime, anywhere!Features: •An organization by body region, rather than by organ system, parallels the way most of today’s anatomy courses approach the subject and facilitates quick reference. •Exquisite full-color artwork from Gray’s Anatomy for Students, as well as Standring: Gray’s Anatomy, 39th Edition and Sobotta: Atlas of Human Anatomy, 14th Edition, makes structures easy to visualize

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Advanced Trauma Life Support allows you to test your decision-making skills in simulated trauma cases.Trauma Life Support Features: Primary Survey and Resuscitation Airway Maintenance Secondary Survey and Management Airway and Ventilatory Management Oropharyngeal Airway Insertion Nasopharyngeal Airway Insertion Adult Orotracheal Intubation Laryngeal Mask Airway Insertion Laryngeal Tube Airway Insertion Infant Endotracheal Intubation Needle Cricothyroidotomy Surgical Cricothyroidotomy Shock Femoral Venipuncture: Seldinger Subclavian Venipuncture Internal Jugular Venipuncture Intraosseous Puncture/Infusion Venous Cutdown Thoracic Trauma Primary Survey Secondary Survey Needle Thoracentesis Chest Tube Insertion Pericardiocentesis Chest X-Ray Review Abdominal and Pelvic Trauma Focused Assessmen

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We bring you common bedside Medical and Surgical procedures in a very simple and easy way. The app is designed for medical students and doctors. Different Medical procedures and techniques has been described. Every effort has been made to make this app explanatory and very informative for those seeking knowledge about medical and surgical procedures. Different procedures given are as follow:● Lumber Puncture● Urinary Catheterization● Venipuncture● Blood Pressure Recording● Nebulization● Tracheotomy● Endoscopy● Intravenous Cannulation● Nasogastric Intubation(Gastric Lavage)● Tube Thoracostomy● Blood Transfusion● Intramuscular Injection● Subcutaneous Injection● Intra-dermal Injection● Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation● Central Venous Catheterization● Arterial Blood Gases● Venous Cutdown● Suprap

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General Physical examination app has been developed for the medical students and doctors which is helpful in their clinics and exams. General Physical Examination is a source for a quick overview of the patient physical exam.The app is a demo version of the “Clinical Examination”. The app includes:1. General Physical Examination2. Gastrointestinal Examination3. Cardiovascular Examination4. Respiratory System Examination5. Cranial Nerve ExaminationFor complete systemic examination buy clinical examination app.

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Diagnostique. Trate. Maneje. Aprenda.O BMJ Best Practice é uma ferramenta confiável e consagrada de suporte à decisão clínica que traz respostas rápidas e fáceis de usar a questões clínicas. Você, profissional da saúde, encontrará todo o suporte necessário para executar da melhor forma suas atividades cotidianas. Você pode obter orientações sobre como chegar a um diagnóstico quando estiver em dúvida, como fazer exames diferenciais e como proceder quanto ao tratamento, entre outras coisas.

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Start your 30-day free trial now! Receive unrestricted access to content for 30 days before subscription is required.Jones and Bartlett Learning Nurse’s Drug Handbook App is the most up-to-date, practical, and easy-to-use nursing drug reference available.The 2016 Nurse’s Drug Handbook includes:• Index of all generic, trade, and alternate drug names• Chemical and therapeutic classes, FDA pregnancy risk category, and controlled substance schedule• Indications and dosages, as well as route, onset, peak, and duration information• Incompatibilities and contraindications• Interactions with drugs, food, and activities• Adverse reactions• Nursing considerations, including key teaching points for patients• Mechanism-of-action illustrations• Warnings and precautionsNew drug entries: albiglutide (Tan

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AppSurgeOn – 3D Skull Atlas provides the highest level of anatomical detail of skull anatomy on mobile devices. The UpSurgeOn Team, made by scientists and digital artists, used state-of-the-art 3D technologies to reproduce the experience of an anatomy lab and make it available for everyone, everywhere.3D ANATOMICAL MODELSEvery single skull bone was modelled with impressive accuracy. You can isolate a bone to explore each anatomical detail with high zoom level and impressive responsiveness. The HD function improve the image quality, so you can have high definition onto a large screen or a projector.DESCRIPTIONSThe UpSurgeOn Scientific Team believes that a powerful anatomical model needs highly accurate descriptions. 3D Skull Atlas provides wide texts organised into three cognitive levels, f

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The perfect quick reference on the wards and in the clinic!Current Essentials of Medicine is a practical, point-of-care pocket handbook that offers “nutshell” information on the diagnosis and treatment of more than 500 medical disorders seen in both primary care and hospital settings. Perfect as a quick reference on the wards or in a busy clinic, this is THE ONLY pocket guide to offer disease essentials in a one-disease-per-page bulleted format. Practical pearls, for which the authors are well known, are offered for almost all conditions.Features: • To-the-point information on the diagnosis and treatment of more than 500 of the most common diseases seen in clinical practice • Convenient one-disease-per page presentation • Bulleted data for each disease covering Essentials of Diagnosis, Dif

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