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IBM Micromedex® Drug Reference is included free of charge to those who have an online subscription to IBM Micromedex® products. *If you do not have an online subscription to Micromedex products, please instead download the non-subscriber version of this exact same app, called IBM Micromedex Drug Info for $2.99 a year. It’s a low-cost alternative for on-the-go access to Micromedex drug information. Access to IBM Micromedex Drug Ref requires a password. Once you’ve downloaded the app, follow these instructions to obtain the password (which only needs to be entered once per year): 1. Login to IBM Micromedex® through your online subscription.2. Click on the “Download Center” link near the top of the application.3. Refer to the detailed downloading instructions, which include your password for

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Buy IBM Micromedex® Drug Interactions for only $9.99 per year. You will be prompted to purchase the app after your initial download. If your institution already subscribes to Micromedex then Drug Interactions is FREE. With Drug Interactions, clinicians can check a patient’s entire medication list simultaneously for potentially harmful interactions and view severity ratings that range from contraindicated to minor. This app provides insight into: •Why the drugs in question interact •How the results of those interactions will present in the patient •Recommendations for monitoring patient outcomes. Drug Interactions is a reliable resource for on-the-go access to the industry’s most trusted clinical reference information, providing users with more informed treatment decisions at the point of c

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Do you really want to get high score in your USMLE Exam ?The United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) is a multi-part professional exam sponsored by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME).USMLE Exam Prep provides many training questions for people who want to take a test and pass USMLE Exam. We take each exam and break it down into knowledge areas so that you can filter your study sessions based on your needs.- Biochemistry & Genetics- Chest Radiology- Clinical Vignette- Medicine- Microbiology- Neurology- Neuroscience- Obstetrics and Gynecology- Pathology- Pediatrics- Physical Diagnosis- Surgery- Psychiatry- Pathophysiology- Clinical Vignettes- Chest Radiology- Preventive MedicineFEATURES:- Over 3000 questions to practic

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Download the Sobotta Anatomy App free of charge and test its full functionality with 40 unrestricted anatomical figures for medical school training and testing. Try the apps two review and test approaches to see which works for you. After trying out the free basic version on the app you can purchase either the entire content or choose subchapters applicable to your medical specialization. The Sobotta App enables you to hone, review and test your anatomy knowledge on the go so that you are prepared, not only for your anatomy tests and exams but also in practice. Around 250.000 new users used the Sobotta Anatomy App to help them succeed in 2016 alone.Thanks to the constant feedback of existing and new users we have been able to develop the app further adding new features and optimizing ex


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Clinical guideline summaries of the major primary and shared care guidelines in the UK.***Winner of Directory of the Year at the 2013 PPA Digital Publishing Awards. ***FREE to UK Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists and readers of Guidelines in Practice. APP FEATURES• All content from the Guidelines handbook plus additional summaries from• Fully searchable• Notifications when new summaries are published–all within the app• Works both on and offline• Bookmark feature to keep track of your favourite summaries • Notes feature to annotate relevant summaries.CLINICAL TOPICS• Gastrointestinal• Cardiovascular• Respiratory• Central nervous system• Infection• Endocrine• Obstetrics, gynaecology & urology• Malignant Disease• Nutrition• Musculoskeletal & Joints• Eye, Ear, Nos

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FM App was developed to allow all the practitioners to review the location of the CCs and CFs, to faster find informations and to better treat your patients.This app will allow to see the points by body segment or by sequence diagonal. It will allow you to see the best treatment position for each single point and to find its antagonist in one click.We hope to have gave you a new tool for improve your skill in Fascial Manipulation.Kind regards,Fascial Manipulation Institute by Stecco

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Sanford Guide Collection provides subscribers to Sanford Guide Collection, Sanford Guide All Access, and Sanford Guide with Stewardship Assist with integrated coverage of Antimicrobial Therapy, HIV/AIDS Therapy and Hepatitis Therapy. Content is updated on an ongoing basis, so users will always have access to the latest information. A subscription is required.Full text search provides fast access while intuitive menus provide an alternative way to navigate our content. Interactive tables, calculators, and other tools are included and updated regularly. Institutional users of Sanford Guide to Stewardship Assist also have access to local guidelines and antibiograms.Coverage includes: clinical syndromes (by anatomic system/site of infection), pathogens (bacterial, fungal, mycobacterial, parasi

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Ever since its first edition, published in 1911, Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, has been a benchmark in the medical reference. This 28th Edition, featuring over 107,000 terms and definitions, has been thoroughly reviewed and updated to make it the most reliable resource available for healthcare specialists of all kinds. 45 prominent medical consultants have reviewed each dictionary entry in the areas of endocrinology, gastroenterology, geriatrics, and rheumatology.Features:*High Profile Terms—inclusive of terms that have so profoundly affected the practice of medicine that they warrant more than the standard dictionary definition. Users can develop knowledge of the key concepts in medicine.*Terminologia Anatomica -This edition uses the Terminologia Anatomica for the Gross Anatomy and Neuroa

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