
App Name 天朝教育委员会2
Publisher Happy Mod
Genre Educational
Size 34.32 MB
Latest Version 1.5.0
Update on 2018-09-12
Requirements Android 2.3 (GINGERBREAD)
Mod info The game modified for unlimited energy,buy impose,need to purchase to be in flight mode networking into the game,press the in-app purchase appears PayPal screen press the phone back button to exit the PayPal on it,in the normal mode will appear. in.
Get it on Google Play
天朝教育委员会2 downloads on happymod,you can your The game modified for unlimited energy,buy impose,need to purchase to be in flight mode networking into the game,press the in-app purchase appears PayPal screen press the phone back button to exit the PayPal on it,in the normal mode will appear. in.

download 天朝教育委员会2 Happy mod apk Install Steps:

1. Download happymodapk from the  (happymodapk.com), then run the apk file to install happymod

2. Open happymod apk app and search for “天朝教育委员会2 ” , find Mods for 天朝教育委员会2 in the search results and click “download”.

Once installed, you can experience the 天朝教育委员会2 on your phone, In 天朝教育委员会2 for Android Mod APK, you can your The game modified for unlimited energy,buy impose,need to purchase to be in flight mode networking into the game,press the in-app purchase appears PayPal screen press the phone back button to exit the PayPal on it,in the normal mode will appear. in..

天朝教育委员会2 is one of the most popular games right now,天朝教育委员会2 has 51165+ downloads on happymod. 天朝教育委员会2 2022 has been released to version 1.5.0 
### 在本游戏制作过程中,没有程序员受到伤害 ###经典益智游戏《天朝教育委员会》续作重磅出击!延续前作搞笑诙谐的制作风格,融入更多趣味题型!让聪明的你爱不释手!大呼过瘾!更有超级扭蛋收集系统!开出精美礼品!为你和你的小伙伴带来更多乐趣~!——新品特色——全新题目,包罗万象,挑战你的知识极限~!全新题型,五花八门,给你非凡问答体验~!看图猜词,连线判断,绞尽脑汁真心好难~!彩蛋收集,好礼不断,异彩纷呈等你来战~!你和你的小伙伴还等什么?!快来玩《天朝教育委员会2》吧!

All Version

天朝教育委员会2 1.5.0 Mod
setembro 12, 2018 34.32 MB
The game modified for unlimited energy,buy impose,need to purchase to be in flight mode networking into the game,press the in-app purchase appears PayPal screen press the phone back button to exit the PayPal on it,in the normal mode will appear. in.

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